Fill the pizza with the correct amount of ingredients. Be careful, you have a limited amount of time! The further you get into the game, the less time you have.
Stop the virus
for Jam 221
Keep the viruses (represented as red squares) from infecting the world! :O To do so, you must click on the viruses before they reach the top of the screen.
Don't touch the lasers
for Jam 217
Move the white dot with your mouse up and down. The black dot in the bottom moves in parallel. Don't touch the lasers! They appear faster and faster and are faster and faster over time.
"clone player"
for Jam 216
Move the player using the arrow keys. Click "clone player" to clone yourself. Your clones are brighter. Your clones can touch the red, but not you.
There are only 3 levels, sorry x)
Mars Volcano Escape
for Jam 215
(not on earth)
Move your mouse around to move gobo and avoid the evil mars volcanoes. Once you touch the volcanoes' eruptions, the game is over. This was made in 40 minutes and there are still tons and tons of bugs, so yeah
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